Q) How do I program board 2? A) Use the -board switch (-board 2) Q) How do I make a board respond as board 2? A) Follow these steps: 1) Connect just 1 I-PAC to the pc. This will become board 2 2) Run ipacutil -wcfg my.cfg 3) Edit my.cfg and change ShiftCode to 0xFE and then save it. 4) Run ipacutil -cfg my.cfg 5) This I-PAC is now board 2 6) Connect both I-PACs to the PC again Q) How do I generate a default config file? A) ipacutil -wcfg my.cfg Q) How do I convert an I-PAC that responds as board 2 to board 1 A) Follow these steps: 1) Connect just board 2 I-PAC to the pc. This will become board 1 2) Run ipacutil -wcfg my.cfg 3) Edit my.cfg and change ShiftCode to 0xFD and then save it. 4) Run ipacutil -cfg my.cfg 5) This I-PAC is now board 1 Q) How do I get this working with a USB keyboard? A) This is completely untested at this time (no USB keyboard), but the following _should_ work: 1) Modify the Makefile by comment out: ARCH=ARCH_i386 and uncomment: ARCH=ARCH_OTHER 2) Modify your Linux kernel according to doc/kbd_patch.txt (or FAQ question, below) 3) Recompile your Linux kernel 4) Compile ipacutil (see INSTALL) 5) Run ipacutil Q) How do I get this working on other architectures than i386? A) (see "How do I get this working with a USB keyboard") Q) How do I patch my kernel (keyboard driver) if I want to use the ARCH_OTHER option? A) Either: a) Follow doc/kbd_patch.txt OR b) Copy doc/kbd_led_patch.diff to /usr/src/linux (or /usr/src/linux-2.4 depending on your distribution, kernel, etc) cd to /usr/src/linux use this command: patch -p1 < kbd_led_patch.diff NOTE: this patch was made on 2.4.17. It will probably apply for most of the 2.4 series. If you are using a 2.2 kernel, use option a) Q) How do I enter a key code for a key that sends 2 codes (E0 and another - for example, R CTRL sends E0, 14) A) Add 0x80 to the 2nd code (ie, set MSB high). For example, R CTRL becomes 0x14 + 0x80 = 0x94. If all this hexadecimal stuff is too confusing, just use a calculator that supports hex.... ie kcalc